My Process
Well, I tried my best on this one to record some video on my process but of course I was in the way of the camera while recording it. I ended up cutting this together and putting it up on TikTok. It came out with enough footage to show some of the process behind the painter. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video!
This is the painting which I’ve dubbed “Ascension“. I wanted to portray a strong sense of contrast in this one and achieved this by relying on a c complimentary color scheme of yellows and purples. I then further emphasized the contrast with dark on light and vice versa. as you can see in the image and video above, the focus lies heavily on the figure standing in the foreground as it is the darkest element in the scene and the strong diagonal line formed by the cast shadow leads the eye directly to the silhouetted figure.
You’ll find my concept to follow closely with the religious strand that tie over into my other pieces. I wanted to depict the journey that is life, with all its twists and turns, ups and downs, peaks and valleys. The story is one of perseverance, all about the deep dark lows and the and the bright and shining highs that we all go through. This is more than just a story of one’s trip to Heaven, it is a tale of encouragement. Spoiler alert! This one makes it all the way. Yes we may stray from the path occasionally, but there’s always a bright light leading us in the right direction. Come take this journey with me, let the light be your guide. Come and begin your “Ascension”